Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Personality Tests Results

I would like to share with all of my class mates the results of my personality test. The first test is the NLP ( Neuro Linguistic Programming). My primary representational system is " kinesthetic." This basically means that I think in terms of feelings.
Secondary- is Auditory- which means I use an aural vocabulary.

TAPT( Tiger Baron Assessment of Personality Type). I am an extrovert who perfers to focus my attention on the outer world. I perfer to deal with tangible, factual, objective information. I'm logical in my thinking and prefer to make decisions in this way. I prefer order and structure. I would say this test nailed my personality to a tee. I really stuggle with spontaniety, it's gets me all frazzled.

The DISC assessment is something we all been subject to at one time or another, my results show strongest discriptor is compliance, which means I'm a stickler for quality. Running a close second is "Dominance" which says I am direct and decisive, never have truer words been said.

The results of the Conflict Management Style test were all over the place, which I interpret as versatility, meaning I adjust my style depending on the people involved and the environment in which the conflict occurs.
I've taken several personality tests and I've never been suprised at the results, they defintely describe who I am.

1 comment:

Myrna Sadalge said...


I love Foreign films myself. Have you seen "Volver" yet with Penelope Cruz, it was great.
I've always seen myself as an extrovert, but this personality quest. says I'm an introvert. Maybe I'll do it again.

I've never visited the Bahama's, but next month I get to visit Bangkok, Thailand. I'm very excited about this trip.

Thanks for writing

Myrna Sadalge