Monday, April 23, 2007

Week 3 - My Group Experience So Far

Starting out I had really difficult time communicating with everyone including the members of my group. I was extremely frustrated, so I spent allot of time e-mailing Dr. D. I really had to take some time out to assess what I was doing to contribute to the problem and not doing to resolve it. Initially I was sending my e-mail to individuals rather to the group as a whole, so I was getting limited exposure. I made one final attempt to resolve the communication problem by e-mailing the entire class my home and work e-mail addresses and later posting my issue to one of my group members blog. My efforts brought immediate results. I was able to connect with a phone partner for the 2nd week of class and make contact with my group.

My group has been very receptive and on the ball. I receive immediate feedback to comments and clarification when needed. Ideas are solicited and expectations are set. Overall I would describe the communication style as direct, which works well for me.

Thank you Group C !!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you are working your way through all of the communication challenges. I experienced some of the same problems with my work email firewall blocking out blog invitations, but I think I've got that ironed out now too.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.